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Showing posts from November, 2024

Thinking about a project....

 It seems like every time I think I have a firm idea on what to make, I just sort of blank. So I'm going to just DO and document along the way, because I need two panels and it helps to have it written down. I've been really wanting to try colorwork again, one day I'll get better at tapestry crochet 😩 I love to admire fair isle knitting, but I can't knit! So, tapestry crochet it is. It seems like if I use cotton, the picture is so large compared to when it is knitted. I'm imagining a bag inspired by the nature of Washington state. Perhaps salmon on bottom, mushrooms, pine trees, and then mountains on top. I'm imagining these as little image strips. Two rectangle panels, with a flat green and brown (leaf pattern colorwork) center and strap to add width. First I'll work on the panel pattern. 49 chains, 48 single crochet. So far I've made the fish orange (closest I had to salmon) light blue for the background and dark blue for the water lines. Not too bad ...